Tuesday, December 25, 2012

miMILONGA in Dubai on 28 December 2012 @ The Fridge


8:30pm to 10:00pm:  
Special Vals Workshop 2 (All Levels Welcomed)

10:00pm to 2:00am:  
Milonga with Tango DJ Virulazo (Oliver Krstic)


80AED per person for Workshop & Milonga
30AED per person for Milonga Only


On 14 and 28 December 2012, Tango-OK will run a Vals workshop from 8:30pm to 10pm, before the milonga.

Vals music has a fluid and constant tempo requiring an equally fluid style of dance.

This workshop is suitable for all levels.

Like us on Facebook:  Tango-OK
Join our Facebook group:  miMILONGA

Email:  tangookay@gmail.com
Mobile: +971 52 911 3238

Friday, December 21, 2012

DJ Virulazo (Oliver Krstic) @ OsterTango 2013 Basel, Switzerland

DJ Virulazo (Oliver Krstic, UAE) @ the oldest Tango festival in Europe in March 2013. Join us! :)

jetzt online: http://www.tangobasel.ch/Aktuell/OsterTango.html
now online: http://www.tangobasel.ch/Aktuell/OsterTango_e.html

28. März – 1. April 2013
March 28 to 1 April, 2013

Lehrerpaare / Teaching couples
Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne
Julio Balmaceda & Corina de la Rosa
Mariano Chicho Frumboli & Juana Sepulveda
Marcelo Varela & Analia Vega
Joachim Dietiker & Michelle Marsidi
Ruben & Sabrina Veliz
Mario de Camillis & Barbara Wainnright

Carla Pugliese
Solo Tango Orquesta

Tango DJ/DJane:
DJane Bärbel Rücker (Denmark)
DJ Eric Breuss ( Switzerland)
DJane Irma Gross (Switzerland)
DJane M. Antonine Woutaz ( Switzerland)
DJ Oscar Moyano (Switzerland)
DJ Pierre M. (France)
DJ Roberto Lehner ( Switzerland)
DJ Roland Keiner ( Switzerland)
DJ Virulazo (United Arab Emirates)

OsterTango im Herzen von Basel mit seiner einigartigen Atmosphäre. Tanzgelegenheiten praktisch Tag und Nacht. Der Ort für alle Tangobegeisterten.

OsterTango with the unique ambiance in the heart of Basel. Dance opportunities practically day and night. It is the place for all dance enthusiasts.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

miMILONGA in Dubai on 14 December 2012 @ The Fridge


8:30pm to 10:00pm:  
Special Vals Workshop 1 (All Levels Welcomed)

10:00pm to 2:00am:  
Milonga with Tango DJ Virulazo (Oliver Krstic)


80AED per person for Workshop & Milonga
30AED per person for Milonga Only


On 14 and 28 December 2012, Tango-OK will run a Vals workshop from 8:30pm to 10pm, before the milonga.

Vals music has a fluid and constant tempo requiring an equally fluid style of dance.

This workshop is suitable for all levels.

Like us on Facebook:  Tango-OK
Join our Facebook group:  miMILONGA

Email:  tangookay@gmail.com
Mobile: +971 52 911 3238

Saturday, December 1, 2012

miMILONGA in Dubai 30 Nov 2012 Pictures & Videos

Full albums available on Tango-OK on Facebook.  

Please also join our Facebook group, miMILONGA for updates on our events in Dubai and around the world.




Tango-OK with Jovan Bogosavljevic




Thank You - 1st miMILONGA in Dubai 30 Nov 2012

Thank you everyone for making the 1st miMILONGA in Dubai such a beautiful occasion.

We're grateful for the support of all - everyone who came, everyone who couldn't make it... we felt your presence and encouragement.

Your beauty, your warmth and your friendship inspire us.  We give you all that is Tango, with all our heart.

Abrazo grande,
Oliver & Lin

P.S. miMILONGA album and Jovan's video will be available shortly.  Stay tuned please. :-)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Special Feature Artist Update for miMILONGA on 30 Nov 2012

Tango-OK is pleased to announce the Special Feature Artist for miMILONGA on 30 November 2012 (Friday) @ The Fridge Dubai.

Jovan Bogosavljević is one of Serbia's most talented violinists. 

View Jovan's videos here:

Time: 8:30pm till 2am
Venue: The Fridge Dubai
Cost: 30AED (Tickets at Door)

Program for 30 Nov:
8:30pm -  Tango Crash Course (come and try!)
9pm - Guided Practica (figures from old milongeuros of Buenos Aires)
10pm - Milonga (social Tango dance event)
2am - End

Jovan will be performing during the milonga in two sets, between 10am till 2am.  

Dancers and non-dancers, all are welcomed!!

Join our event on Facebook - miMILONGA in Dubai by Tango-OK

A lucky draw for a mystery prize.
Clue: Pack your swimming gear and put on your Tango shoes...

Milonga Etiquette - Introduction

A milonga is a most enjoyable event to go to once Tango finds its way into your heart, but it can also be rather intimidating for a Tango beginner.  We hope to give you some basic information so you may come to learn of and enjoy this beautiful event.

The milonga is a social Tango dance party where people come together to dance, socialize, enjoy the music, watch the shows and soak in the emotions that are Tango.  There are a variety of venues that can hold a milonga. Examples are homes, bars, restaurants, dance studios, beaches etc. etc. etc..  Its really up to the imagination of the organizers and the communities.

As a social event, it has its set of unwritten customs and etiquettes which serve to make the event most enjoyable for everyone.

A typical milonga in Buenos Aires

Milonga Etiquette - Getting Ready & What to Wear

Getting Ready

First and most important of all - personal hygiene.

As you will be in close proximity to your dance partner, you may wish to exclude strong smelling foods from your diet on the day of the milonga, eg. garlic and onion.

A nice shower and freshly washed clothes, and remember less is more when it comes to fragrances & perfumes.  Its not ideal to leave your scent on all your partners or have your partners sneeze or hold their breathes while dancing with you.

What to Wear

The dress code differs from milonga to milonga.  On weekends, the style may be more formal than on weekdays.  An afternoon milonga is certainly more casual than an evening milonga.  Every city and every community will exhibit their own characteristics.  Different age groups will also have a different style character.

The key is to dress comfortably and elegantly in accordance to your own style.

For ladies, practical consideration include not wearing clothes that are too tight or loose.  Tight skirts and dresses can be tricky since some steps require a larger movement and you don't want your skirt riding up your thighs.  Clothing that are too loose may have too much material moving about you interfering with yours and your partner's steps.

Good suggestions include a knee length skirt or pants and an elegant top that accentuates but not reveal too much unnecessarily.  A dress with a fitting bodice and a flared skirt (not too flared) look absolutely amazing.

For gentlemen, smart trousers and a well-pressed shirt works always.  Jackets and suits are optional.

For more casual milongas, jeans are ok, as are t-shirts for both ladies and gentlemen.

You may arrive at the milonga in flat shoes that are more comfortable and change to your Tango shoes there since you do not want to ruin the soles of your Tango shoes.

Some people bring an extra change of shirt / top especially in festivals and marathons in order to stay fresh.  

Milonga Etiquette - Asking & Accepting (or not...)

For the Gentleman:  How Do I Ask a Lady to Dance?

The most appropriate way to ask a lady to dance is the use of cabeceo. This is an art and is to be mastered.

It involves catching the attention of the lady you want to dance with by the way you are looking at her.  If the lady wants to dance with you, she will acknowledge you by the way she looks at you.  You will then nod towards the dance floor and she will indicate her consent by subtly nodding back.  When that happens you walk towards her, extend your hand and guide her to the dance floor.  There, you will enter the line of dance without disrupting its flow and begin dancing.

If the lady does not want to dance with you, she will simply look away when you try to catch her attention.

For the Lady:  How Do I Accept or Decline an Invitation?

The elegant way to accept the invitation is by clearly yet subtly indicating your consent with eye contact and a slight nod after the initiator has nodded.  Wait for the gentleman to come to you.  Stand up only when he is in front of you and has extended his hand.  If you stand up too early or too eagerly acknowledge him, you may find yourself in am embarrassing situation if he had in fact been communicating not with you but a lady sitting behind you.

To decline an invitation, simply look away.

Ladies do not invite but encourage invitations.

When Cabeceo is Not Used...

The cabeceo is wonderful to use because it saves everyone the embarrassment of a misunderstood intent.    It is highly recommended to learn and practise that art.  In Buenos Aires, almost all invitations are rejected unless the cabeceo is used.

In some communities where people know one another rather well, the cabeceo may not be used.  Gentlemen and ladies alike simple walk up to the other and ask for a dance.  In this case, you may go with the flow and verbally accept or reject the invitation.

Some ladies may find it difficult to reject.  The best way to do so is to simply say 'No, thank you', without providing any excuses.  Alternatively, the Tango shoes may be removed to indicate that she is not dancing.

How About Couples?

Couples who arrive at a milonga will generally make it clear to the people around them if they are open to dancing with others or not.

It is proper for the couple to dance the first and last tandas together.

If a couple is open to dancing with others, the man may begin by inviting another lady, indicating to other dancers that the lady is open to invitations.

If a couple prefers to dance only with themselves, they will not demonstrate any cabeceos, and neither will the man invite other ladies.  That does not however mean that they are not open to socializing with others.

A willingness to socialize does not mean a willingness to dance.

A willingness to dance does not mean a willingness to dance with everyone.

What If I Can't Dance & Just Want to Watch?

That is perfectly fine.  Simply look away when invited, or verbally reject.  You are so welcomed to come and just enjoy the music and get to know other people...and perhaps attempt your first Tango-walk!

Milonga Etiquette - Dance Floor Flow & Music

Dance Floor Flow

The flow of the dance floor is in an anti-clockwise (counter-clockwise) direction.  When you first enter the flow, do not disrupt the dancers but find an opportunity to insert yourselves without causing an obstruction or an accident.

The outer lane is the faster lane and meant for the more experienced dancers - they will guide the rhythm of the dance floor.  The inner lane is slower and / or for less experienced dancers.  The centre is meant for beginners and / or for couples who want to do some special figure without disrupting the dance floor flow.

Here are some extra tips:

- Do not overtake

- Do not talk except during cortinas

- Do not teach (see Practicas below)

- Do not take large, dangerous steps, or make exhibition-style maneuvers (that's for the stage only)

- Do not walk into or touch other couples

- Do not walk / cut across the dance floor

- Treat the lady like a queen.  Invite her into movements - no pushing, dragging and lifting.

- Dance at least two songs with the partner, or the whole tanda.  Dancing only one song indicates that you do not like the dancing.

- Saying 'Thank you' indicates the end of the dance, so don't say it until the whole dance is over or if you really want to stop.

- Respect the floor, the people and the music

- Gentleman, always walk your lady back to where you first invited her.


Music is played in sets of three or four - called a tanda.  In between tandas, there's a cortina (curtain) to help facilitate the changing of partners.  The cortina is usually an excerpt of a song completely different from Tango music in order that people may understand its a cortina.

More information on music, orchestras etc.  will be expanded on in another section shortly.


An additional note on Practicas.  Practicas (both guided and unguided by instructors) is like an informal milonga.  Teaching, and practising are encouraged.  Its the best way to start and improve!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tango Argentino Beginner Classes in Dubai Every Friday

Picture by Alexander Zabala, tangoimage.com

"The tango is a feeling that is danced. That’s why it is not choreographed, though it can have sequences, like all feelings. You can dance love, rage, happiness, pleasure, every mood. The tango is not a dance to demonstrate ability but rather an interpretation of feeling. It is not just moving your feet and posturing. The tango is Argentine, but it belongs to all those who understand its feelings and its codes." - Words of Cacho Dante, Milonguero de Buenos Aires, November 1998

Take your first step with us.

When: Every Friday starting 16 November 2012.
Where: The Fridge (www.thefridgedubai.com
Time: 2:30pm to 4:00pm
Cost: 80AED per person per class or 300AED per person for 4 classes
* We recommend that all classes be taken in sequence as the classes are carefully structured.

Registration necessary.

tel: +971 52 911 3238
website: http://tango-ok.blogspot.com/
facebook: Tango-OK

Basic Information & Class Structure

Oliver & Lin are representing the style of Tango de Salon. This style is danced socially in salons (milongas) all over Buenos Aires, rather than for exhibition. Now, the world beyond Buenos Aires has fallen in love with this beautiful dance, and its enchanting music uniting all.

Traditional Tango de Salon is about musicality, the embrace, elegance, posture and the respect for the other.

In 2009, Tango was declared as part of the world's 'Intangible Cultural Heritage' by UNESCO.

As the goal of the course is to learn a set of basic steps. The students should have fun and pleasure during the classes. They should be able to move smoothly, be relaxed and be confident with the music on the dance floor. We are working intensively on elegance and musicality.

Topics ...

Technique of Walking
Tango Embrace
Shifting the Weight
Body Communication
Combination of Figures and Sequences

i) Couples and singles are welcomed. We will pre-pair singles in order to ensure an even number in the class.

ii) Class sizes are limited. If necessary, Tango-OK will create another class to accommodate everyone. Tango-OK also reserves the right to cancel the class if the minimum number of participants is not reached. In the case of Tango-OK canceling, registered participants will be notified 3 days prior to the start and full-refund will be made.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Tango Intermediate Classes @ DUCTAC, Mall of the Emirates starting 6 November 2012

See you Tuesday 6th November 2012 8:30pm at DUCTAC, Mall of the Emirates, for our first Intermediate Class!!
- Oliver and Lin

For further details, please contact:

Email: tangookay@gmail.com
Mobile: +971 529113238

Tango Dubai Classes Tuesday 6th November in Emirates Mall. New Intermediate class by Oliver + Lin 8.30pm DUCTAC. Improver class by Jeanie 8.30pm DUCTAC. Beginner course by Eleanor 8pm St. Maxim's restaurant. And .... practi-longa after class starts 10.15pm in St. Maxim's. See you all on Tuesday 6th Nov,

Friday, November 2, 2012

"... You must walk. First walk."

"Tango is like writing a letter, it has a beginning, periods, commas, stops and an end. If you are doing figures and gyros (turns) all the time, people don’t see anything and that is why there is the walk- the invention of the people.

In this dance of the people, which is what tango is, all the famous couples have used the walk, and they use it constantly.

The tango is on the ground, It is caressing the floor. It is the ball of the foot supporting the weight of the body, right on the axis and each person on his/her own axis. If you make pupils walk at the beginning, they get bored and want to learn steps and more steps - to show off at the dance hall.

So you need to have the luck of meeting a teacher who tells you: No. Look. You must walk. First walk."

- Miguel Angel Zotto

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

miMILONGA...in Dubai, by Tango-OK

The ultimate social Tango Argentino event for everyone. Dancers, non-dancers, musicians, music lovers...all are welcomed!

30 Nov 2012 & 14 Dec 2012

Fridays @ The Fridge

8:30pm - Tango Crash Course
9:00pm - Guided Practica
10:00pm - Milonga
2:00am - End

30AED -Tickets at Door (Drinks & Snacks Available)

Special Feature Artists:

We are offering aspiring artists from diverse fields opportunities to display or perform their works during the milongas. If you are interested in displaying, please contact Tango-OK.

facebook: Tango-OK
web: tango-ok.blogspot.com
email: tangookay@gmail.com
tel: +971 52 911 3238

Monday, October 1, 2012

DJ Virulazo @ Latin Soul Dubai on 4 Oct 2012

Message from Latin Soul Dubai..


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Upcoming Events - Classes & Milongas in Dubai

We will be announcing details of upcoming classes and milongas in Dubai from November 2012 onwards.  Watch this space!

Friday, September 28, 2012

About Us

Tango Argentino

Passionate dancers of Tango de Salon, dedicated to promoting the art and culture of Tango Argentino all around the world.

Based currently in Dubai (UAE), Tango-OK offers classes, hosts milongas, organizes special events, sells dance shoes and clothes.

Founders - Oliver & Lin Krstic

His first contact with Tango was the summer of 2006, and for the next two years, he learnt from the teachers Julio Mendez and Luis Parra at the dance school, El Social (www.elsocial.ch). Since 2007 till present, he spends time in Buenos Aires in order to learn and improve his Tango with maestros like Raul Bravo, Olga Besio, Carlitos and Rosita Perez, Javier Rodriguez, and Virginia Pandolfi.

Tango de Salon is his passion and specialty.  

Oliver is a dedicated teacher who believes in the authenticity and the roots of Argentinian Tango culture.  His teaching style is in accordance with the teaching of the old and well-recognized maestros of Buenos Aires. Oliver is teaching since 2009 in Switzerland (Luzern, Zurich and Winterthur). In June 2012, he moved to Dubai where he founded Tango-OK and teaches.

He enjoys organizing special events and since 2008, had been instrumental in events all over Europe, such as mimilonga (www.mimilonga.ch), LET (Lunar Eclipse Tango), various workshops with maestros, marathons and festivals.

He is an internationally recognized Tango DJ and is known as DJ Virulazo.  The golden age of Tango between 1930 and 1950 is clearly his preference.  The traditional Tango tandas are strictly adjusted and they are same in rhythmical, melodically and thematic content.  

Her first contact with Tango was the summer of 2010. Since then, she has been traveling to Europe for workshops, milongas and festivals to expand her learning experience. She is a student of Oliver and assists him in classes. Tango de Salon is her passion and specialty. 

Few recent events of Tango DJ Virulazo


28 March - 1 April
OsterTango (Basel, Switzerland)


18-21 October 
Mallorca Tango Festival

5 June Tangoloft Stuttgart

25-28 May "Pfingst Tango Festival Luzern - Switzerland

17- 20 May
"Tango Festival Alghero - Italy

5 - 6 May
"MIlonga with Noelia Hurtado & Carlos Espinosa - Basel, Switzerland

25 April - 1 May
"Firenze Tango Festival - Italy

17 - 23 April
Belgrade Tango Encuentro, Belgrade - Serbia

31 March -9 April
"Oster Tango Festival Basel - Switzerland

24 March
"3° Resegna DJ Alessandria

15 - 18 March
"Wernau Tango Festival - Germany

29 February
El Cafe de las Artes, Barcelona - Spain

25 February
Corrientes Social Club, London - England

5 - 7 January
2° Encuentro Milongueros de Corazon, Valparaiso, Chile 

December 2011 - January 2012
"Practica de Tango con Virginia Pandolfi" - Escuela Carlos Copello, Buenos Aires - Argentina

15 December 2011
"Confiteria Ideal" , Buenos Aires - Argentina

12 - 19 November 2011
International Tango Festival with Javier Rodriguez & Andrea Misse; Ariadna Naveira & Fernando Sanchez; Virginia Pandolfi
Santiago de Chile - Chile

4 - 7 November 2011
"8th International Tango Festival" with Alejandra Hobert & Adrian Veredice; Annatina Luck & Daniel Aranda , Belgrade - Serbia

21 October 2011
„NOU Tango Berlin“, Berlin - Germany

24 September 2011
"Tango Super Cocina" with Matias Facio&Claudia Rogowski; Joachim&Michelle, Basel - Switzerland

28 June - 4 July 2011
„2° European Tango Championship“, Torino - Italy 

15 June - 19 June 2011
„Lunar Eclipse Tango“, Basel - Switzerland

2 April 2011
Milonga Brava with Felipe Zarzar & Mamié Sancy, Basel, Switzerland - Milongas; Corrientes